Design Portfolio (2015-2021)

2021: Messenger Theme

The portfolio you're currently looking at! This time, I tried out some fancy SVG animations and started (once again) from scratch with the intent to end up with a cleaner codebase.

2020: CSS Animations

The year I decided to make my portfolio entirely from scratch... and spent a lot of time on unique CSS animations.

2019: Finding my "Vibe"

I found a beautiful template that inspired me to learn how to create each element from scratch.

2017: A Professional Start

My introduction to web templates and learning how to design information on a webpage.

2015: My first-ever portfolio! (bonus)

I created this portfolio as part of a Github pages website-building workshop. As you can see, the poor website does not stand the test of time. But it's cute to look back on! I can't believe I used Comic Sans!