"You can do whatever you want, you just have to know what that is."

Truly, Abed's Dreamatorium helped restart my creative drive. If I could learn to channel my imagination like that again, there would be so many unfinished stories I could complete - so many "recovered" Photoshop files I could finalize.

This year, for my 22nd birthday, I wanted to do something that channeled every aspect of my identity. Unfortunately, if you're reading this before July 18, 2020, the puzzle hunt hasn't happened yet, so the links aren't public and I can't in good conscience post any of the puzzles here, just in case any participants find them and get an unfair advantage.

What I can show you, however, are some of the promo materials I used for my event:

To play through the demo puzzle that all the participants get, you can go here. The password is aevph.

To ask to see more of the hunt, just contact me and maybe I'll give you the inside scoop!