Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

Although, I've never stood over a fiery volcano while fighting over a ring.

Hi there! I'm Anisa. I'm a Computer Science and Design student currently in my fifth and final year at Northeastern University. I was born in West Haven, CT and raised by two strong human beings who immigrated all the way from their respective small towns in Malaysia to provide an amazing life for me, my sister, and my five brothers. And you are?

Although I'm just below five feet tall, I find that, like most people my age, I have high aspirations. As a growing developer, designer, writer, and baker, I look forward to making the world a better place, one fixed bug, one em space, one slant rhyme, or one chocolate chip at a time.

During my first couple of years at Northeastern, I developed a strong interest in web development and user experience design. With the help of GitHub, Google, and fellow programmers, I have gotten closer to achieving my goals.

This website is a collection of my works.